The restrictions of Import & Export item

The goods purchased in China must be in conformity with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, the state permits the import of goods. Relevant laws and regulations are as follows:

The current published revised version of <the People's Republic of China prohibited import and export goods from> and < the People's Republic of China restrictions on import and export goods Table > shall become effective as of 1st March 1993. The one released on 1st November 1987, which was <the People's Republic of China General Administration of customs about issued a ban on, limiting import and export goods table announcement >, is abolished at the same time.

The People's Republic of China prohibits entry and exit items

Prohibited importation items

1. Various weapons, simulation weapons, ammunition, and explosives; 

2. Forged currency and forged securities; 

3. On China's politics, economy, culture, moral harmful print, film, Photographs, music, video, audio, video tapes, laser discs, computer storage medium, and other items; 

4. A variety of potent poisons;

5. Opium, morphine, heroin, marijuana, and other addictive drugs and psychotropic drugs;

6. Animals, plants, and their products with dangerous bacteria, pests, and other harmful organisms; 

Prohibitions of export goods

1. All the items included in the scope of the prohibition of entry;

2. The content involves the country's secret manuscripts, printed matter, films, photographs, music, video, audio, video tapes and laser discs, computer storage medium and other items; 

3. Precious cultural relics and other prohibited styles; 

4. Endangered and rare animals, plants (including specimens) and their seeds, and reproductive materials.  

The list of People's Republic of China limits import and export item 

Restrictions on imported articles

1. Radio transceiver and communication security machine; 

2. Smoke, wine; 

3. Endangered and rare animals, plants (including specimens) and their seeds, reproductive materials;

4. National currency;

5. Other customs limit import items.

Restrictions on export articles

1. Gold, silver, valuable metals, and ornaments thereof

2. National currency;

3. Foreign currency and negotiable securities; 

4. Radio transceiver and communication security machine; 

5. Precious Chinese herbal medicines; 

6. General cultural relics; 

7. Other articles are restricted from exportation by Customs. 

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