Why do I need to complete the logistics tracking number for a forwarding order?

In order to ensure that the signed forwarding package can be loaded into the warehouse accurately and timely, when submitting the forwarding order, you also need to fill in the logistics order number shipped by the seller. Only when the logistics order number is filled in correctly, HubbuyCN can inspect and store the goods for you after signing for the package; For forwarding orders without completing the logistics order number, HubbuyCN will not be able to inspect the goods.

Warm reminder: If you have not yet had time to place an order, but your forwarding package has arrived at the HubbuyCN warehouse, please submit the forwarding product list and logistics order number as soon as possible so that the goods can be inspected and storaged. Overdue packages will be deemed abandoned by HubbuyCN and destroyed. Check the package storage period

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